Meet NEXT Clients – nuxcrew

Meet NEXT client Caitríona Taylor, CEO and Founder of

What do you love about being an entrepreneur?

I love being an entrepreneur because I get to combine my creative passion and business organizations skills all at once. There is nothing more exciting than taking a vision and bringing it to life, while also building a solid business plan to support it. Anyone can think of a new idea, but to build a team and a plan to make it successful is what draws me to entrepreneurship.

What makes your business unique?

nuxcrew is a one of a kind youth health and wellness company. We developed an inclusive program aimed directly at strengthening youth physical and mental health to become more resilient as they grow into adulthood. The program consists of on-demand streamed yoga reflection sessions and weekly online interactive coached workout classes with the same cohort of peers. The program also includes monthly health and wellness topic sessions led by experts that will help teens begin their life journey of empowerment.

How do you create great company culture?

Creating a great company culture starts at the top and takes daily work. It is important to build an environment where diversity and difference is celebrated and encouraged. With differences, it takes daily nurturing to hear different points of view and bring people together with a common goal. At nuxcrew, that is making sure we provide a space for all youth to feel supported and included.

What is the best advice you ever received? 

As a female founder and CEO, I have really appreciated support and advice centered on supporting my unique experience in a male dominated space. It isn’t just one piece of advice, but rather a network of support from those that have come before me, from all genders and backgrounds, that believe in me and help me everyday. I am happy to provide that support to a female entrepreneur – please reach out! You can make your dream a reality!

What is the hardest lesson you ever learned?

Hard lessons usually come when I don’t understand different perspectives or other ways of thinking, which is the biggest lesson of all. As an individual, we don’t know it all! My suggestion is to seek advice and counsel when you are thinking about big decisions or running up into a barrier. Gaining perspective and insight always is helpful.

What is an important trend you are watching?

Health and wellness, or lack of, is a mental and physical health crisis not seen in decades. The C.D.C. reported that between March and May of 2020, hospitals across the country saw a 31% increase in the proportion of mental health emergency visits for kids 12 to 17 compared to 2019. The C.D.C. also reports the percentage of children and adolescents affected by obesity has more than tripled since the 1970s, rising to 21.2% among 12- to 19-year-olds. We need to address this issue.

What advice would you give an entrepreneur starting out?

Give yourself runway to flush out your idea and time to grow your customer base. It will always take longer than you think! Make sure you have the financial recourses to fund your idea, and yourself, for at least one year. Also, your idea might take off overnight. Make sure as you grow your business you think about scalability – you don’t want to be caught off guard by not being able to handle the demand. Make sure you cultivate a network of support, to help you with whatever pace your business grows, slow or fast!


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